Death Doula Work

I am a certified Death Doula with Living Well Dying Well and End-of-Life Doula UK. Also known as a soul midwife, I focus on the emotional, psychological, spiritual and existential side of dying, as well as the more practical things. At such a profound and sacred time, it’s my job to hold a safe and compassionate space for healing, support, companionship and care. 

This work is completely person-centred so will be tailored to each individuals wishes. First and foremost, I am a companion at end of life. Just like my work as a life coach, at death I work holistically and intuitively with mind, body and spirit, to offer a truly personalised approach.

I often find the biggest part of my role is simply to listen. Listen to the person who's dying, and those close to them, offering completely non-judgemental, emotional and spiritual support. This might include helping with decision-making and supporting meaningful conversations around wishes and plans, or just being someone to talk to. As a qualified meditation & mindfulness instructor and Reiki practitioner, I can also offer a unique blend of energy work and deep listening so I can be there alongside you in whatever capacity that you need.

Doula’s are non-denominational and all-inclusive, so I can help with everything from the rites and rituals around the person's death - making sure the correct cultural or religious observances are followed as they're dying, to the simple tasks such as taking the dog for a walk so family can spend more time together.

“Doulas are the bookends of life - Just as a Birth Doula is there at the beginning, an End of Life Doula is there for the end. Meaning that the last months or weeks or days are compassionate, calm, natural and as normal as can be.”

— End-of-Life Doula U.K.

Another important aspect to our role is to be available to people at any stage in their lives to share our knowledge and provide guidance on death and dying - our aim is to bring dying 'home' in our Communities as we believe it is all of our business and not the sole preserve of experts and professionals.

We work in communities in so many other ways – providing information and guidance to demystifying death, Advance Decisions, funeral arrangements, bereavement and grief support, navigating through the labyrinth of health, social care and government agencies and so on.

Please reach out if you want to find out more or if you think I can help you navigate death and dying. I’m always here.

“We are all just walking each other home.”

— Ram Dass