I’m Lucy,
Coach and Celebrant.

Holding space for ritual, ceremony and personal transformation.

I help conscious people celebrate life, death and the most important milestones throughout. Whether expressions of love and loss, or the opportunity to connect with yourself, I will work with you to create the life, spaces and occasions you dream of.

I love love, life, magic, ritual, mindfulness, Planet Earth and Dolly Parton - not necessarily in that order - and my passion is to create heart-centred approaches and environments, through coaching, companionship, celebrations, ceremonies, energy work and holding space.

Take a wee look around to find out more about who I am and what I do.

Love, Lucy x

My offerings



Death Doula Work

Weddings & Celebrations

Funerals & Memorials

Speaking & Facilitation


“Lucy is genuinely made of pure healing magic”

— Lisa